


可选实践培训 (OPT) is work authorization granted by the Department 国土安全部部长. 移民法规允许F-1学生申请12个月 of OPT to gain practical experience related to the student's field of study. 选择可以 被授权在每个学术水平,我.e. 12个月的本科课程,12个月 硕士阶段,博士阶段12个月.



  1. 目前居住在美国并持有合法的F-1身份
  2. have been in legal F-1 status at least one full academic year immediately prior to 应用程序
  3. you have not exceeded 12 months of full-time 课程及实践训练 (CPT)
  4. 你的护照有效期至少为6个月

You do not need to have a job offer before applying for the first 12 months of OPT.

完成前和完成后OPT -差异

Pre-Completion: OPT used while you are still enrolled in your course of study is called “预完成”OPT. 完井前OPT并不常见.

Post-Completion: OPT authorization that begins after completion of your academic program 被称为“毕业后OPT”. 这是最常用的OPT. 完成后 OPT is full-time and can begin after you complete all course requirements for your 学术课程(不包括论文).


早期应用! 您可以在课程开始前90天提交申请 end date (graduation date) and up to 60 days after your program end date. U.S. 公民身份 and Immigration 服务 (美国入籍与移民服务局) takes approximately 90-120 days to process applications. 在获得美国公民及移民服务局的批准之前,你不能开始工作.


请仔细阅读以下说明. 如果您有任何问题或疑虑 请联系学生移民服务处的Breonna Collins & 学者 电话:972-721-5304 bcollins@you1mu2.com 


1. 表格i - 765 - Application for 就业 Authorization - please complete it on-line, print it 把它带出去. 请确保您使用的是2022年7月26日的最新版本 (见第一页底部).


  • 请用大写字母输入您的姓氏
  • 美国邮寄地址-输入您的永久邮寄地址. 这就是你的OPT 将发送EAD卡.
  • 项目16 -资格类别
  • 毕业后OPT (c) (3) (B)
  • STEM扩展OPT (c) (3) (c)
  • I-765必须用黑色墨水打字或填写

2. 以前所有的I-20都是UD的
3. 护照(复印件)
4. 签证(复印件)
5. I-94(可打印) 在这里
6. 两张护照品质彩色照片(近30天内拍摄). 照片应 是2x2英寸.
7. 个人支票或汇票,抬头人为“美国”.S. 国土安全部" 总共410美元.00


  • 完成 OPT申请表格. 请务必上传你的I-765表格. 
  • ISO will review your application, and if complete, a new I-20 with “OPT Recommended” 会发给你吗. 
  • 一定要保留一份你的申请包的副本以备记录.


All applications must be mailed to the 美国入籍与移民服务局 Dallas Lockbox location within 30 days 你的新I-20表格.  你可以选择装运方式.

  1. 如果由 U.S. 美国邮政服务(USPS),索取追踪号码并邮寄至:

    • 美国入籍与移民服务局
      P.O. 805373箱

  2. 如果由 联邦快递,UPS或DHL,邮寄至:
    • 美国入籍与移民服务局
      地址:I-765 CO3
      南迪尔伯恩131号- 3楼


After 应用程序 packet has been received by 美国入籍与移民服务局, you will be sent a receipt 通知(I-797诉讼通知). 这张收据上有您的个人收据号码. 您可以使用收据号码来 在线跟踪你的申请状态. 在美国入籍与移民服务局批准OPT申请之前,你不能开始工作 你已收到工作授权文件(EAD卡). 您被授权的OPT日期将列在您的EAD卡上.

地位,义务 & OPT期间的限制(完成后)

状态: While you are on OPT, you are still an F-1 student under the jurisdiction of the 学生入境事务服务 & 学者办公室. 因此,下列规定仍然适用:

  1. 你必须在10天内通过提交 OPT申报表. 就业 changes to your I-20 will require a valid employment offer letter.
  2. 你必须报告所有的地址变更 在10天内提交OPT报告表.
  3. You must get travel signatures on your I-20 before leaving the US if you intend to 返回(参见后面关于OPT期间旅行的特殊章节)
  4. 你必须保持护照有效

就业义务: While on OPT, you MUST be employed to be considered to be in legal status. 被 失业累计超过90天是违反身份规定的. (参见后面的章节 关于什么类型的就业符合合法就业.)

报告义务: You are required to report your employer's name, your work site address (not the corporate headquarters), employment dates and all changes in employment (end date, 新开学日期)发送给国际学生服务办公室. 首选方法 报告是由 提交 OPT申报表.

国际学生服务 办公室 is responsible for updating SEVIS with employment information provided by you. 然而, we are not responsible for determining if you have violated your status and subsequently 终止你的记录. 国土安全部将确定学生是否违反了他或她的身份 超过允许的失业时间.



All OPT employment, including post-completion OPT, must be in a job that is related 到你的学位课程. 这份工作可能包括:

  1. Paid employment: Students may work part-time (at least 20 hours per week when on post-completion OPT)或全职.
  2. Multiple employers: Students may work for more than one employer, but all employment must be 与学生的学位课程相关 and for pre-completion OPT cannot 超过每周允许的累计工作时间.
  3. Work for hire: This is also commonly referred to as 1099 employment w在这里 an individual performs a service based on a contractual 的关系 rather than in an employer/employee 的关系. If requested by DHS, students must be prepared to provide evidence showing the duration of the contract periods and the name and address of the contracting company.
  4. Self-employed business owner: Students on OPT may start a business and be self-employed. 在这种情况下,学生必须全职工作. 学生必须能够证明 that he or she has the proper business licenses and is actively engaged in a business 与学生的学位课程相关.
  5. 就业 through an agency: Students 有关毕业后OPT must be able to provide evidence showing they worked an average of at least 20 hours per week while employed 由该机构.
  6. Unpaid employment: Students may work as volunteers or unpaid interns, w在这里 this does 不违反任何劳动法. 学生每周必须至少工作20小时 有关毕业后OPT. 这些学生必须能够提供雇主的证明 that the student worked at least 20 hours per week during the period of employment.


SEVP recommends that students maintain evidence -- for each job, regardless of type -- of the position held, proof of the duration of that position, the job title, contact information for the student's supervisor or manager, and a description of the work.


Because your purpose during OPT is to be employed, enrolling in classes is 限制. 在OPT期间,你不能注册任何全日制课程.

If you had intended to graduate, but have not yet completed your thesis/dissertation, you can continue to register for 1 credit hour (administrative purposes) until you 完成论文要求. 在这种情况下,你仍然是主体 三个月(90天)失业规定.


After you complete your studies, your right to exit and return to the US is much more 限制. Even though you may have applied for or received your OPT authorization, 不能保证重新入学.

In addition to getting a travel signature on your I-20 in the usual manner, take note 下列限制条件之一:

1) Travel abroad before your OPT begins: Generally speaking, you can exit the US and return BEFORE the date your OPT begins under the following circumstances:

You carry your receipt from 美国入籍与移民服务局 or your work permit (the EAD) with you. 如果你有 如果你在美国得到了一份工作,请随身携带录用信.

*If your F-1 visa has expired, you would have to apply for a new F-1 visa while out 美国的. 这是非常危险的,因为你获得签证的目的不再是 去上学,而不是去工作.

2) Travel abroad during OPT: After your OPT has begun, you are permitted to exit and 我只能暂时离开一段时间后返回美国

    1. 开始一份已经提供给你的工作. 你必须有录取通知书 with you; or
    2. 继续做你已经做过的工作. 你必须带求职信 - a letter from the HR department or your supervisor on company letterhead stating that you are working t在这里 and that you will resume employment following this brief 出国旅行. 您的原始录取通知书是不够的. 的证明 employment letter must be current and be related to a specific trip abroad.


OPT之后,你可以在美国停留不超过60天. 不允许雇佣 在这60天里. 如果你想再次成为一名全日制学生,你会有 在这60天内为新项目拿到新的I-20. 你必须重新开始 在OPT期满后的5个月内.